Message from Ray (4)

Our Executive Director Ray Lee updates on how our Food Bank has been helping our immediate neighbours and our partnership with Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers has distributed masks to remote cities like Cornwall, Waterloo and Kapuskasing. IN THE NEWS: Read about how the masks were delivered to Waterloo and Kapuskasing. Photo credit: Mobilizing…


105 Gibson中心輔導團隊 – 李成富博士, C. Psych. (Clinical Psychologist) 因應新冠狀肺炎(COVID-19)疫情的擴散,很多人難免感到孤單與沮喪。每天面對前景不明朗的因素所引起的恐懼,焦慮和憂慮正時時刻刻威脅著我們的身心健康[i]。 要有效地應付這些困境,我們必須抱著樂觀的態度[ii]來加強自我調節的能力。我們能夠透過學習正面的思維方式,健康的活動及有效地控制情緒來得到這些技巧和能力。 讓我們來試一試以下的建議,一齊來提升我們的身心健康: 正面的思維方式 疫情正在影響整個世界,所有人包括我在內都坐在同一條船上,我們只要共同努力,就必能得勝。 我會盡我所能,積極參與抗疫,直到最後抗疫成功。 疫情最終必定會過去,將來會比現在更好。 疫情好轉前可能會比現時更差 在有衝擊時,我們要保持勇敢頑強,不能放棄。 我們的堅持與努力是不會白費的,它會使我們的將來更加美好。 我經歷疫情後會更了解自己。 健康的活動 安排每一天生活的細節[iii],按計劃而行,並在一天的終結時有成功感。 為能清潔家居而感覺良好。 為興趣及自我進修而閱讀[iv]。 在家裡做一些運動[v],在區內散步。 早晚關注疫情最新狀況,但盡量不要時刻影響心情。 做義工,幫助有需要的人。例如幫獨居長者買菜,到食物銀行做義工或致電鄰居彼此問候。 享受獨處的樂趣,培養你對烹飪,音樂,文學,園藝,室內設計等的興趣。 控制情緒 保持身體接觸的距離–用電話,視像和發短信等方法來與親人和好友保持聯絡 。 使用網上可靠的平台欣賞音樂,看節目放鬆自己。 避免過分憂慮,把注意力集中在‘當下’。 把腳步放慢,享受現在自己所擁有的。 從禱告或默想中尋找慰藉,安靜地思考聖經,譬如詩篇23,及腓立比書4:6-7。 鍛煉意志力來體驗自己的存在[vi],這樣能夠排除心中的憂慮,回到現實當中。例如將注意力集中在自己溫和的呼吸上,或是靜心傾聽身邊的微小聲音,這樣便能夠沉澱自己的思維,擺脫憂慮。 寫日記,把自己的想法和感受記下來,日後重溫。對於反面的思維加以三思,嘗試尋找正面的解決方法把它取代。 最後,如果你依然感覺孤單,壓抑和憂心,請向我們傾訴。我們會聆聽 。你也可以致電免費輔導熱線開始與我們對話。 105 Gibson COVID-19免費輔導熱線 電話/短訊: 647.918.1205 (SMS短訊, WhatsApp短訊或口訊) 電郵: WeChat ID: counselling105Gibson 請留言或短訊並附上名字及回覆電話號碼,我們將在一個工作天內回覆你。 [i] [ii] [iii] [iv] Headways:…

Tips for Coping with COVID-19

By Dr. Thomas S. Li, C. Psych. (Clinical Psychologist) & Counselling Team of 105 Gibson Centre With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are isolated and distressed. Fears, anxieties and worries are threatening our physical and mental health as we face the increasing uncertainties in our lives[i]. In coping with the situation, we…

Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers

Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers, a grassroots organization consisting of physicians and advocates, is partnering with 105 Gibson Centre and CAA Club Group to create a large-scale mask donation drive. The goal is to bring masks to frontline healthcare workers at hospitals and long term care facilities across Toronto and the GTA. As of…

Message from Ray (2)

We are here for you: our Executive Director Raymond Lee shares about our loss from connecting with people due to social distancing and how kindness is crucial to us at this time. He also recommends the phone app that helps reduce stress, improves sleep and develops gratitude.

105 Gibson Centre CLOSED

As a result of the state of emergency declared in Ontario, 105 Gibson Centre will be closed until further notice. Only our essential services Food Bank and Counselling will open by appointment ONLY. Any updates will be announced on the website and on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). We apologize for any inconvenience and…