My Prayer for 105 Gibson Centre

It has been a wonderful six years in which I was in the role of General Director for 105 Gibson Centre and many things have changed. The greatest change I saw over the years is how the Centre has matured with respect to its liveliness, level of services and operations, user visits and even our…

My 105 Newsletter – July 2019

Subscribe to our e-newsletters here Read past issues of My 105 Newsletter here 按此下載「我的105」雙月刊 In July issue: A Chat with our Executive Director:  Introducing Raymond Lee as our new Executive Director My Experience with 105 Gibson: My Prayer for 105 Gibson Centre Following Christ as Lifelong Journey 105 Gibson in Action Isa Lee Charity Dumpling…

Greetings from our new Executive Director

105 Gibson Centre Announces RAYMOND LEE as new Executive Director, effective July 1, 2019 We are pleased to announce the appointment of Pastor Raymond Lee as our new Executive Director, effective July 1, 2019. Ray succeeds former General Director Reverend Jonathan Chan in this role. Ray graduated with a Computer Engineering Degree but ultimately it…

Bringing Love & Hope to the Community

Dr. David Wong 105 Gibson Centre’s core values, Love and Hope, are exemplified in Dr. Wong’s volunteer work at the Wellness Clinic. He was invited to consider opening a clinic for Abundant Life Institute. Through holistic healing, the clinic aims to address clients’ emotional and spiritual needs as these are rarely addressed by family physicians.…

Thankful for the Unconditional Love

Nestor Lau Nestor’s positive attitude towards life is reflected in his zealous caring for his mother, who has diabetes and memory loss. Their physical, emotional and spiritual needs have been well met by 105 Gibson Centre’s Abundant Life Institute for the past 2 years and he is very grateful to every volunteer’s unconditional companionship and…

My 105 Newsletter – May 2019

Subscribe to our e-newsletters here Read past issues of My 105 Newsletter here 按此下載「我的105」雙月刊 In May issue: FEATURE ARTICLE:  Thankful for the Unconditional Love Lifelong Learning: Learn to Let Go and be Humble My Experience with 105 Gibson: Bringing Love & Hope to the Community Volunteer Appreciation Day with Labyrinth Meditation 105 Gibson in Action…