Newsletter105 Gibson Centre Food Bank Header Image

Hi, my name is Lok-ping and I am the food bank in-charge.


Thanks to our many donors and volunteer drivers, the food bank has remained operational during the shut-down. I’m grateful, as many of you are, that we are in a position to give. However, involving in the food bank is more than just about giving and helping others. What do I mean by that?


I think I can sum up my thoughts in a quote that I came across recently. It says: “The real downside of privilege is that we get a narrow view of life.” Let me say that again: “The real downside of privilege is that we get a narrow view of life.”


That’s so true because normally, we only move within a small social circle of people of similar background and experience. Involving in the food bank has expanded my vision and given me the opportunity to listen to many different voices – those who have escaped wars and violence to come to this country, those who are living hand to mouth on a day-to-day basis, to name just a few. These are a cross-section of people who have fallen on hard times.


As I meet them and serve them, I am reminded of Jesus who came into our world and lived amongst us. In that sense, the work of the food bank is about the understanding of the compassion of Christ, and how we can flesh out this concept by walking with and suffering with people. This is the example that we are called to follow.


So, let us continue to encourage one another to do good, particularly during this time. I look forward to seeing you some time in the near future, hopefully, in person. Until then, take care and God bless.