Online Classes for Jul – Aug

Our users have always enjoyed the high quality classes at 105 Gibson and have built a deep friendship with the instructors and other students. Despite there are other courses on the internet, they still miss the courses at the Centre. During the time when the Centre is closed for the COVID-19 pandemic, we are offering…

Finance Class and Talk

Learn to know more about the current finance situation and impact under Covid-19. Conducted in English.The online link to the class will be emailed to you 15 minutes before class time.The online classes will be delivered using the Zoom platform.For how to use Zoom and system requirement details, please visit

Abundant Life Talks in July

豐盛生命午敍 疫情期間,為你提供有用的健康資訊,助你安坐家中也能追求身心靈健康! 費用全免,歡迎豐盛生命學苑學員及非學員參加。 報名後,105 Gibson中心將發放確認電郵給你。講座將使用Zoom平台進行,有關如何使用ZOOM平台及系統要求,請瀏覽。Zoom連結將於講座前15分鐘電郵給你。

Youth Strengths Workshop

Have you ever wondered why you make certain choices? Why are you drawn to certain activities or subjects? IT’S THE STRENGTHS IN YOU! Strengths Workshop for Young Adults helps you discover your strengths and apply them in daily living, study and career path finding with Cliftonstrengths.