Our Team

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    Alex Cheng

    Executive Director

Executive Director

Alex believes in serving the community and bringing positive changes to the lives of the individuals therein. As a Christ follower he is passionate about witnessing the Christian Faith holistically through deeds and words, especially in a multi-cultural community such as the GTA. Alex has many years of management experience in businesses and not-for-profit organizations, and is a graduate of the China Graduate School of Theology (Hong Kong) and Tyndale University (Canada).

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    Kinson Leung

    Programs and Services Director

Programs and Services Director

Kinson is deeply passionate about people and helping them develop to their fullest potential. With years of pastoral, counselling and international development experience, he brings to the 105 Gibson Centre a shepherd’s heart that values walking alongside community neighbours and newcomers to support, encourage and bring the best out of their situations. Hobbies include running, photography and having coffee with people!

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    Joannie Yu

    Older Adults Services Director

Older Adults Services Director

Joannie has over 10 years of social service experience at Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care (頤康中心) in addition to her ministry work at parachurch organizations including Christian Communications Canada (加拿大福音證主協會). She has a passion for journeying with older adults through their next life chapter by developing enriching opportunities at 105 Gibson Centre.

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    Samanthis Chan

    Services Support Director

Services Support Director

Samanthis is the Services Support Director of 105 Gibson Centre. Her years of experience in international organizations as well as other non-profit organizations have equipped her to serve here. She hopes her administrative experiences can help contribute to the Centre and serve more people in need.

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    Amy Leung

    Health Services Manager

Health Services Manager

As a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, Amy considers leading the health services a privilege. Serving the community brings her immense joy as she walks alongside clients, organizes services efficiently, and connects with individuals. With extensive IT experience in finance and nonprofits, along with a later focus on social work through her counselling degree, she humbly steps into her role with compassion and expertise. Amy’s goal is to infuse every aspect of our work with SHINE: Superior Holistic care, Improving quality of services, Nurturing equality, and Enacting our mission and vision in the community.

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    Timothy Kwok

    Operations Manager

Operations Manager

Timothy loves his community. He is a jack of all trades who enjoys using his wide range of skills to create a place that everyone will find belonging. His aim is to help the various ministries, organizations and individuals achieve their goals at 105 Gibson Centre. When you need some help, Tim has your back!

Our Founder

  • 105 Gibson Centre Founder - Rev Doctor Harding Ng

    Rev. Dr. Harding Ng


Rev. Dr. Harding Ng

Rev. Dr. Harding NG, the founder of 105 Gibson Centre, would like to welcome you to the Centre’s services and programs with the warmest of heart. The idea and passion of serving the needy in the community in a holistic way was seeded long ago when Rev. Ng was still a medical doctor. He understood not just the physical needs but also the emotional and spiritual needs of his many patients in Toronto. He later responded to the calling of God to quit his medical profession and to enter pastoral ministry at the Toronto Christian Community Church (TCCC), to which he later became the senior pastor. Under his leadership, he promoted and guided the church community to get involved in helping the homeless people, the drug addicts and opened the church premises for a variety of outreach programs.


In 2010, he received a vision to start a Christian faith-based community centre. After many prayers with the leaders, the Toronto Christian Community Church purchased the 47,000 sq. feet warehouse adjacent to the church, and turned it into a platform for holistic outreach and social concern, helping the needy and less fortunate people with diverse holistic programs and services. Among the many people groups he felt for, he once noticed that some seniors had nothing to occupy their time but were bused to the casinos and lost the money they had saved all their lives. The Centre would provide space and programs and become a second home to care for local residents and neglected people groups like the seniors. Rev. Ng firmly believes that the mission of the Centre is to respond to the command of Jesus, to love our neighbours as ourselves and to be the salt and light of the world so that people can glorify the heavenly Father through the good deeds of His people.